My Personal Website Project

Personal Website Homepage Personal Website Homepage

Every professional, regardless of their industry, should have a personal website. Why? How else will you stand out from other candidates? Sure, a personal website will build your online presence and avail you with a competitive advantage for recruitment. However, the same personal website will offer you the freedom to be creative and gain new skills. And this is what I have leveraged when creating this website. It is my chance at creating something new, going beyond my limits, and putting myself out there–it is my chance at change.

This personal website project documentation post identifies with the main purpose of sharing the process of creating this website. In this manner, this blog post will provide insight into the design, development, and maintenance of a personal website, including any challenges faced and solutions implemented. Ultimately, I envision that the post will serve as a reference point for anyone who is just starting to build their websites or is looking for inspiration and ideas for their existing projects. Let’s get to it.

John Michael Karanja
John Michael Karanja
Digital Skills Trainer | Freelance Writer & Tutor | Data Analyst

Curious mind meets data enthusiast.